Thursday, 19 March 2015

CAC2014: Toxic (Part 5)

How do I take all this in? It was just too much. I think there was a point where my brain couldn't process anymore, I couldn't digest anymore, my heart was on the verge of breaking or maybe it was already broken. I couldn't read anymore letters where family members told us to let her go and accept the situation. How do you accept something like that? So we're just supposed to sit around and do nothing like them? They chucked letters in the garden keeping us "updated", but we couldn't read it after a while and honestly didn't want to. It was much too painful. 
I couldn't face our family, the family that let us down, the family that lied, the family that forced my sister and me to go to the police station and make a statement. I thought about it...what if we don't go? 
At the time, they told us that we wouldn't help our mother with that. That she might have to stay in jail for months. Well..that was a lie, but we didn't know that. Then I had all kind of thoughts running through my head..What if they break into our home and drag us there? All sorts of things crossed my mind. I made the decision of going to the police station. I knew that I needed my mother in order to do something about this situation, so if I could get them to release her, all will fall into place, but never in a million years would I have thought they could just take my sister...

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